Perspective | February 2024
Highlights the importance of pediatric and primary care in protecting against the adverse effects of trauma and offers examples practices can use to achieve this goal.
Journal Article | September 2020
Examines principles of trauma-informed care (TIC) in end-of-life care. It includes a case example of a patient with advanced illness to demonstrate how TIC can be practically applied with the goal of alleviating trauma-related symptoms.
Journal Article | July 2020
Explores the case of a veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder to illustrate how telehealth visits can be trauma-informed.
Journal Article | May 2020
Reviews the experiences of adults with high ACE scores who presented at a Canadian ED to identify how a trauma-informed care approach may improve their ED experience.
Implementation Tool | April 2019
Shares data on the prevalence of ACEs among non-institutionalized U.S. adults.
Journal Article | January 2019
Looks at changes in provider knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs related to trauma and trauma-informed care following a trauma-informed care training.
Journal Article | November 2018
Examines the prevalence of ACEs to date, conducted by the CDC.
Journal Article | November 2018
Examines the prevalence of ACEs to date, conducted by the CDC.
Journal Article | October 2018
Describes how the San Francisco Department of Public Health designed and implemented their Trauma-Informed Systems Initiative, an organizational model to address trauma at the systems level.
Journal Article | August 2018
Analyzes studies that have evaluated the effects of organizational interventions that include trauma-informed care training for staff.
Report | July 2018
Examines implementation strategies at six pilot sites and identifies the key characteristics defining a trauma-informed organization, as well as barriers and facilitators to adoption of trauma-informed practices.
Journal Article | February 2018
Explores the science behind the lifelong health effects caused by toxic stress and trauma experienced in childhood.
Journal Article | January 2018
Examines medical students' perspectives on a brief course that addressed the health care needs of patients exposed to adverse childhood experiences.
Book | January 2018
Explores childhood adversity from the perspective of a pediatrician and offers both scientific insight and a compelling personal narrative.
Journal Article | November 2017
Analyzes the impact of a city-wide trauma-informed training on organizational culture and professional quality of life in government and nonprofit professionals.
Case Study | October 2017
Evaluates the impact of trauma training with a focus on vicarious traumatization in a residential youth services division.
Journal Article | September 2017
Provides an overview of the successes and learnings of The Philadelphia ACE Task Force and offers recommendations for future community-based ACEs collaboratives.
Video | February 2017
Provides an overview of ACEs and toxic stress.
Book | September 2015
Provides a scientific background for understanding how children and adults adapt to traumatic experiences.
Implementation Tool | October 2014
Introduces the concept of trauma, and offers a framework for becoming a trauma-informed organization, system, or service sector.